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Ways to Give Financially
Thank you for considering to donate to Carlisle Society For The Blind, which has several ways you can donate a monetary gift. We rely on public support and donations to ensure we can continue to help people. Every gift you give helps people at a point where they find themselves in a crisis. A gift of any amount can be put to good use.
Regular or single donations can be made
If you would like to make a single donation, please use the following details. For regular donation, please instruct your bank to set up a standing order and use the following details:
Carlisle Society for the Blind - Cumberland Building Society
Sort Code: 16 52 21
Account Number: 54265213
You can also send a cheque payable to "Carlisle Society for the Blind" to Carlisle Society for the Blind, 9 Brunswick Street, Carlisle CA11PB.
Remember to include a return address, so we can send a thank you card.